estoy aprendiendo markdown y bookdown y pues no hay vuelta atrás... hasta Latex aparece ahora como un monstruo lleno de código innecesario... aquellos dos le apuestan a un futuro de ciencia abierta y reproducible y pues por eso vale la pena el esfuerzo de aprender maroma nueva.



Emi Tanaka 🌾 (@statsgen; 61): I did a quick slide write up for teaching #blogdown in my school using the Academic theme:

There should be a warning though that my workflow (method=medium) for deploying has flaws. I only version control the ‘public’ folder. (12)

Nick Fox 🌹 (@NickFoxstats; 60): just spent 1.5 hours refreshing my website (perfect work for sitting in a Starbucks) - love how easy blogdown makes it!

Chester Ismay (@old_man_chester; 20): @richmajerus @Springboard @apreshill @BecomingDataSci @rudeboybert @hadleywickham @drob @dataandme @CMastication R Markdown is my go-to here. Bookdown and blogdown are natural extensions too.

Nick Fox 🌹 (@NickFoxstats; 10): @EikoFried thanks! blogdown auto-formats for mobile ^_^

Tamas S. (@tudosgar; 10): @HoloMarkeD @SimoAhava @pmeyerdk @disqus You are using blogdown? Try updating the pkg before using build_site(). That solved it for me.

Taras Kaduk (@taraskaduk; 0/1): @mourner @Netlify I love Netlify. I use it to publish my site created via blogdown package in #rstats

ChaDamSaiNom (@ocha_lab; 0/0): 結局はblogdownもbookdownも使わず、Rmarkdownとhtml_cleanフォーマットをつくってhtmlを生成、適当にレイアウトしたWebサイトに配置するほうが性に合っているみたい。できることは少ないけれど、融通が聞くところがよろしい。

kasiek (@KKulma; 0/0): @d4tagirl There are too many blogdown posts out there and much better than what I could produce ;) also, between full time job, the kids and renovating the house, I will have only time to create a new blog with link to the old one = no painful migration ;)


Carlos A Lopez M. (@calm77; 90): estoy aprendiendo markdown y bookdown y pues no hay vuelta atrás… hasta Latex aparece ahora como un monstruo lleno de código innecesario… aquellos dos le apuestan a un futuro de ciencia abierta y reproducible y pues por eso vale la pena el esfuerzo de aprender maroma nueva.

Carlos A Lopez M. (@calm77; 30): @MGF91 digamos que sirve como procesador de texto pero puedes correr cualquier código de R y te pone el resultado en el documento directamente, y puedes generar html, word, pdf, ebooks, tex…

Atsushi (Atusy) (@Atsushi776; 30): Rmdでpdf_document時にYAMLで指定できるLaTeXの変数一覧はこれかな?

代表例は以下だけれど、全部知りたきゃpandocのドキュメント見ろよな! とのこと。

Chester Ismay (@old_man_chester; 20): @richmajerus @Springboard @apreshill @BecomingDataSci @rudeboybert @hadleywickham @drob @dataandme @CMastication R Markdown is my go-to here. Bookdown and blogdown are natural extensions too.

Jaime Ashander (@jaimedash; 20): @molpopgen @petrelharp if you don’t mind being on tied to R (and rstudio’s ever-evolving and very useful packages) bookdown::pdf_document2 and keep_tex: true is a very nice way around some of this

Solomon Kurz (@SolomonKurz; 0/0): In preparation for a #bookdown release of my Statistical Rethinking + #brms project, files for chapters 1 through 3 are up. With any luck, the project will be updated and revised in #bookdown format by the end of the year.

Carlos A Lopez M. (@calm77; 0/0): @Daniel_AvOr Con software, con Rstudio.

Este es un ejemplo de cómo queda el libro en html / gitbook

Jaime Ashander (@jaimedash; 0/0): @molpopgen @petrelharp eg

ChaDamSaiNom (@ocha_lab; 0/0): 結局はblogdownもbookdownも使わず、Rmarkdownとhtml_cleanフォーマットをつくってhtmlを生成、適当にレイアウトしたWebサイトに配置するほうが性に合っているみたい。できることは少ないけれど、融通が聞くところがよろしい。


Joyce Robbins (@jtrnyc; 64): Writing in the age of #knitr / #rmarkdown

As of today, there are r dim(available.packages(repos = ""))[1] packages on CRAN…


Carlos A Lopez M. (@calm77; 11): @elabuel_o De hecho R usa knitr para generar formatos a partir de archivos markdown. Entiendo que knitr es una maravilla porque lee prácticamente cualquier lenguaje (latex, python, r, html, etc…), entonces si uno domina esos lenguajes puede ir de uno a otro en el mismo archivo!

Trent (@trent_hauck; 10): @chrisbiscardi I guess knitr would a better example: General hope would be something a la literate programming for analytical work (r notebooks, ipython notebooks, etc).

Alex Pawlowski (@apawlows; 10): @jrosenberg6432 @datalorax_ Rmarkdown can already go back and forth with word using knitr, but track changes is a path towards many a sailor hath begun their journey with no treasure in sight.

Armando (@elabuel_o; 0/0): @calm77 En defensa de LaTeX diré que también hay proyectos (hermanos a markdown) que le apuestan a reproducible research: e.g. knitr.

Yo digo son complementarios: markdown para notebooks, Github y HTML, LaTeX+knitr para publication quality :)

Jamison Crawford (@Jamisonorous; 0/0): @dgkeyes @rstatstweet Nice. I really like knitr for that precise reason (collaboration). IIRC knitr allows you to insert code chunks in different languages, like SAS, Python, and STATA. You can select these inside the chunk prompt {r}. I can’t recall the argument, though, and have never used it.

Jamison Crawford (@Jamisonorous; 0/0): @dgkeyes @rstatstweet Glad you found it. Why not use package knitr for literate programming?

Patrick J. Burns (@diyclassics; 0/0): @rdmond @LogeionGkLat Should say that knitr looks pretty good too (though I try to work only in python these days to maintain some focus)


Emi Tanaka 🌾 (@statsgen; 40): @john_t_ormerod @sarah_romanes @RLadiesMelb Planning to clean up the code and submit the theme to xaringan repo so feel free to use it when it’s out!

Sebastian H. (@seathebass92; 0/0): Back to making slides (using xaringan) for a class on probability that I was procrastinating on.

Sebastian H. (@seathebass92; 0/0): @thomasp85 ’s gganimate makes animations with distributions fun when taking random samples from different distributions (I should be working on xaringan slides but wanted to test the new gganimate out and it is pretty great!).

ThinkR (@thinkR_fr; 44): #Rstats - makeActiveBinding(): The Most Magical Hidden Gem in Base R by @xieyihui

Trent (@trent_hauck; 10): @chrisbiscardi I guess knitr would a better example: General hope would be something a la literate programming for analytical work (r notebooks, ipython notebooks, etc).

Patrick J. Burns (@diyclassics; 0/0): @rdmond @LogeionGkLat Should say that knitr looks pretty good too (though I try to work only in python these days to maintain some focus)