⁉️ How does @grrrck make those cool #ggplot2-build slides? 📽 "Decouple Code and Output in xaringan slides" https://t.co/MqC2lXCSuu #rstats #rmarkdown 😊 check out his {xariganthemer} for more cool tricks: https://t.co/qj6HpOg8FS https://t.co/thRlEpjSjC



JD Long (@CMastication; 123): So #rstats folks using blogdown & Hugo to host blogs: is there a reasonable comments solution that isn’t Discus?

Steph Locke (@TheStephLocke; 10): @CMastication @cantabile @staticmanapp It’s a bit extreme relative to blogdown but I’m doing a whole bunch of whizzy things for v2 of my consultancy site and I’ve been doing the integrations (not look & feel) so if you’re up for a nosey you can see it in action at https://t.co/hikVoBRFqB https://t.co/tUrRnJCpJo

Atsushi (Atusy) (@Atsushi776; 0/0): Rmdでそのまま記事にできるblogdownはやっぱりいいな。qiitaに上げるにはマニアックな記事も多いし、積極利用しよう。


Zach Bogart (@zachbogart; 31): I published something to @github! Hooray! Time to celebrate! https://t.co/QUjAEqzUGw #edav #github #bookdown #dataviz #rstats https://t.co/i4V6F86dj7

Jodi Schneider (@jschneider; 21): #ebooks #writing “The bookdown package is an #opensource #R package that facilitates writing books and long-form articles/reports with R #Markdown.” Output in #EPUB #HTML #PDF #Kindle #Word. Integrated with RStudio IDE. via @SolomonKurz & #bookdown hashtag https://t.co/cAIhMPFEMu

Nicolas Reigl (@NicolasReigl; 20): @maxkasy For teaching econometrics with R (undergraduate): Using R for Introduction to Econometrics (https://t.co/OsVKRIPNZp) and Principles of Econometrics with R (https://t.co/2QoPwdm6Yg). Structural models, as mentioned: https://t.co/wAjOXD6c60

Philipp Bayer (@PhilippBayer; 20): A great example for @RachaelLappan - completely written in Rstudio/Bookdown! https://t.co/tZo4varKsM

Swami Runinanda™ (@udha_yoga; 0/1): Околесица Свами Ранинанда https://t.co/CpYl9kLOfz #dorohins.com/personality/interview/dmitriy-stupka.html #bookdown.org/gorodnichy/twolives-book/Dwe-Zhyzni.html #literarus.org/arkiv/rus2009/rus1b_2009.php #ria.ru/society/20180414/1518666194.html #murakami.ru/7.html @edutopia


Jorge Cimentada (@cimentadaj; 63): #rstats puzzle: One time I ran my knitr file and got the first plot. Now I run it and get the same plot but slightly different. Nothing’s changed! Anybody knows how I can reproduce the first plot? Code at: https://t.co/GLGGns8WLy https://t.co/AtDWtspntc

R Weekly Live (@rweekly_live; 0/2): Create GIFs with gifski in knitr Documents @xieyihui #rstats #datascience https://t.co/tDeXLoO4OH

niszet📚技術書典5 (@niszet0; 0/0): broom::tidyしてからknitr::kableだとダメだたっけ…さて…

中西大輔 (@daihiko; 0/0): Rで knitr::kable(summary(reg)$coef, format=“html”,digits=2) とかしたところで、重回帰の結果はそれほどきれいに表示されないの。


Mara Averick (@dataandme; 10235): ⁉️ How does @grrrck make those cool #ggplot2-build slides? 📽 “Decouple Code and Output in xaringan slides”
https://t.co/MqC2lXCSuu #rstats #rmarkdown 😊 check out his {xariganthemer} for more cool tricks: https://t.co/qj6HpOg8FS https://t.co/thRlEpjSjC


Alex Albright (@AllbriteAllday; 10): Nevermind about all these questions – I’m moving over to the XMin theme. Solid documentation & sleek style! https://t.co/QSSolA6ZQe

R Weekly Live (@rweekly_live; 0/2): Create GIFs with gifski in knitr Documents @xieyihui #rstats #datascience https://t.co/tDeXLoO4OH