@nj_tierney @grrrck And you could also try knitr::fig_chunk() https://t.co/NTJJhfg8IX (hide the plot in a chunk, but display it in a different place, e.g., the right column).



Murray David Neuzerling (@mdneuzerling; 61): I spent the day cleaning up my Blogdown site, and consolidated my R Markdown and Shiny stuff into “list pages” so I can use my site as a portfolio. Oh, and I actually have an About page now. The next (massive) challenge is comments :-/ https://t.co/2RcLIHEODV

Shawn Graham (@electricarchaeo; 10): @aejolene Cool! There’s also blogdown, which oddly enough is a bit easier than bookdown

Pablo Herrera (@pherreraariza; 0/0): Having issues when building site through Netlify. Plots are not being displayed, but running locally look perfect. #blogdown Only solution is to deploy manually :(

へいうち (@heiuchi23; 0/0): 理由はわからんが、blogdown::new_site(theme = “”)でとってきたやつをRstudioで見るとパスが上手く当たっていないようでリンクは切れてるしデザインも当たっていない。

Wenjie Wang (@wenjie2wang; 0/0): It took me a while to migrate from Jekyll to Hugo… The next step is to dive into the blogdown package!

Quantitative Eazy E 🌐󠁵󠁳󠁮󠁪󠁿🏳️‍🌈 (@TheRealEveret; 0/0): @vhranger R + blogdown

Dale Maschette (@Dale_Masch; 0/0): @mdneuzerling Urgh I seriously need to work out blogdown and get some stuff up.

Atsushi (Atusy) (@Atsushi776; 0/0): blogdownの記事の終わりにcommitを一覧してくれんかな。


Andrew Kniss (@WyoWeeds; 61): So I finally started playing around with the #Rstats bookdown package and holy shit that’s going to make some things easier……

Fernando Hoces de la Guardia (@fhoces; 40): @_MiguelHernan @EpiEllie This looks like a great resource for causal inference. Thank you very much for making it available for free. You might want to check https://t.co/31yFHLHKKO. Might amplify impact and it seems your editor is ok with it (eg r4ds by @hadleywickham)

Andrew Kniss (@WyoWeeds; 10): @true_bug https://t.co/DrTaKvdVOX

Shawn Graham (@electricarchaeo; 10): @aejolene Cool! There’s also blogdown, which oddly enough is a bit easier than bookdown

Solomon Kurz (@SolomonKurz; 0/1): Man, I’m glad #bookdown gave the impetus to revise a bit. Parts of the chapter 05 file were a mess! Also, little islands of LaTeX code have become important parts of the revision. #rstats #lifelonglearning

Jeff Bradshaw (@true_bug; 0/0): @WyoWeeds What is this “bookdown” you speak of? Markdown on steroids? Yes, please!

Elías Eyþórsson (@eliaseythorsson; 0/0): @CatMunro_ Nice summary. Honest question, how did you deal with spelling and grammatical errors when writing in Rstudio and bookdown? The only thing keeping me within the Word ecosystem is my terrible spelling

puffybsd (@puffybsd; 0/0): https://t.co/no1l8RAAYP looks like a cool gitbook alternative.


Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 72): @nj_tierney @grrrck And you could also try knitr::fig_chunk() https://t.co/NTJJhfg8IX (hide the plot in a chunk, but display it in a different place, e.g., the right column).

niszet📚技術書典5 い04 (@niszet0; 11): screenshot.optsなんていつの間にあったんや…とおもったらknitr1.13で出てたのね。じぇんじぇん把握できてない・・・ https://t.co/oMyKZb1SQq

Garrick Aden-Buie (@grrrck; 10): @xieyihui @nj_tierney Ahh! Of course there’s a knitr function for this! Thanks for thinking of everything @xieyihui :)

Sergio Oller (@zeehio_; 10): @Dale_Masch @rstatstweet This detects if there is a knitr in progress: isTRUE(getOption(‘https://t.co/ZJGHgywpCF.progress'))


Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 72): @nj_tierney @grrrck And you could also try knitr::fig_chunk() https://t.co/NTJJhfg8IX (hide the plot in a chunk, but display it in a different place, e.g., the right column).

Joachim K. Rennstich (@digprof; 0/0): I really don’t know, how I’ve missed to do this for so long. Excellent solution if you use Rstudio/RMarkdown: https://t.co/ybwQR9TFae