Yon Soo, @kinggary and I are excited to welcome new grad students to the math prefresher and Harvard today! Our updated text covers and programming with new polisci examples​: ​ https://t.co/iBgu4z2J8D https://t.co/bvU0ZQDcwG



Franz Krah (@Franz_Krah; 0/1): Need of #blogdown inspiration: https://t.co/3nQ8kmh4A1 #Rstats

Olivia Douglass (@odouglass11; 0/0): My site was down for most of the day!! Would you be so kind to visit and share a few posts? Maybe enter a few giveaways if you’re interested!!


#blogdown #please #blogger #win https://t.co/KF3HYrRkIh


Shiro Kuriwaki (@shirokuriwaki; 609): Yon Soo, @kinggary and I are excited to welcome new grad students to the math prefresher and Harvard today! Our updated text covers and programming with new polisci examples​: ​ https://t.co/iBgu4z2J8D https://t.co/bvU0ZQDcwG

Colin Fay 🤘 (@_ColinFay; 73): Some food for thought from the Bookdown reference book :

“The most challenging thing in the world is not to learn fancy technologies, but control your own wild heart.”

https://t.co/5zntp20NZH https://t.co/Gmxs59zrPO

Symbolix (@symbolixAU; 13): Any tips on a good workflow to use #rmarkdown/ #bookdown to reproducibly generate a journal paper, that needs to be submitted in a word template? #rmarkdown knits to word but references are fiddly. Is #bookdown -> pdf -> pandoc -> word better?? #rstats

Nicholas Tierney (@nj_tierney; 10): @symbolixAU You can use bookdown templates for word: bookdown::word_document2(), which essentially has all of the nice features of bookdown (referencing figures / equations, etc), but for a single document - you can also make a word doc template with https://t.co/oi4M5jcmkj by Richard Layton

Symbolix (@symbolixAU; 10): Or do we all revolt as one until bookdown templates are standard

Shawn Graham (@electricarchaeo; 10): weird issue. bookdown sees the section, builds it into pdf, into html, but not into numbered html page name (thus not on site), and while exists locally, git doesn’t see it either. no other section has this issue.

Rod Docking (@rdocking; 0/0): @seb_renaut I’m finding the trickiest part is getting references to number properly between main text and supplementals. Bookdown helps quite a bit though.

niszet📚技術書典5 い04 (@niszet0; 0/0): ちなみに、markdown_strict に出力する場合は下記を参照。variantっていう項目になるので注意(docx出力ではunused argになってエラーになるのでやっぱり使えないのであった) https://t.co/MwwPQn0rZ0


Garrick Aden-Buie (@grrrck; 114): Here’s an even better way to reference figures generated by #rstats #knitr chunks in R Markdown, thanks to xaringan dai-sensei @xieyihui! https://t.co/Wk4Mzo49Ek

Updated blog post: https://t.co/oL27L8ViYN https://t.co/pbsODm2Uss

Mirco Musolesi (@mircomusolesi; 20): Brief note about language syntax. People say that indentation in Python with white spaces is strange. But let’s talk about #markdown. I really like it a lot for writing content for my website and for editing documents using #knitr. 13

Dr. Trent Tucker (@ProfTucker; 10): @hibbittsdesign Hello again Paul … your approach does in fact work; the issue was not with RStudio => knitr => .docx it was in viewing the .docx in Preview vs Word sigh https://t.co/ChLp8Qjl1w

Hadley Wickham (@hadleywickham; 0/0): @Nhatley @pewresearch knitr isn’t part of base R 😉

Franz Krah (@Franz_Krah; 0/0): @seb_renaut @rstatstweet @rstudio Can u not include refs using knitr citation with bibtex… The bigger problem is the co-authors. I only switched back to word because of track change…

niszet📚技術書典5 い04 (@niszet0; 0/0): やっぱり初手は上書きできないっぽいなぁ。ほかのオプションは置換できるのだが。knitrを乗っ取るとかしないといけないので、これは出来ない、で正解。


Garrick Aden-Buie (@grrrck; 114): Here’s an even better way to reference figures generated by #rstats #knitr chunks in R Markdown, thanks to xaringan dai-sensei @xieyihui! https://t.co/Wk4Mzo49Ek

Updated blog post: https://t.co/oL27L8ViYN https://t.co/pbsODm2Uss

Charles T. Gray (@cantabile; 0/0): Morning win, @xieyihui @apreshill !

Updated rstudio, and now my xaringan::inf_mr is working as it should. For some reason it was only working in browser before. This is so, so much better for the @codelikeagirlau presentations I’ll be doing soon.