Oh, I just realized that @grrrck's super useful #<< marker for highlighting lines of code in presentations is now a part of xaringan out of the box! #rstats @xieyihui https://t.co/62NktEsRmN



Recle Etino Vibal (@recleev; 0/0): More calculus review. This time deriving the point of inflection, maximum, and minimum of a general cubic curve., and proving the curve is symmetric with respect to the point of inflection #rstats #blogdown #calculus #GeneralCubicCurve https://t.co/r3LE9xKcaj


Ewen Gallic (@3wen; 20): Ah le lundi matin… La réponse était dans la notice (https://t.co/15OU1B9rZT) : “Table: (#tab:un_label) Titre du tableau”.

Uryu Shinya (@u_ribo; 10): なるほど、bookdown contestか。あと一週間はあるな。

Fabio Votta📊🦉 (@favstats; 0/0): @musy_n Check this bookdown out, which shows the code with #ggplot, #brms and #tidyverse.


Enjoy! :)

Erich Neuwirth (@neuwirthe; 0/0): @snaefell @apefred_de @realsci_DE @diso12hannah Ich mein das für “kleine” Texte. z.B.
Mathematikschularbeiten und so. Nicht für Bücher. Wobei bookdown https://t.co/w9GGdWa2si ein interessanter Ansatz ist!


かつどん (@nozma; 63): “RMarkdownファイルの中でSQLを実行する際のtips ~knitr language engine - cucumber flesh” https://t.co/HUWlNxc2R4

Ewen Gallic (@3wen; 0/0): Hello Twitter, est-ce que tu sais comment numéroter et référencer automatiquement les tableaux en markdown avec {knitr} ? (ceux réalisés à la main, avec | valeur | valeur |, pas ceux créés avec kable() ou autre). Merci. #rstat


Malcolm Boorrett 🦁 +👻 (@malco_barrett; 225): Oh, I just realized that @grrrck’s super useful #<< marker for highlighting lines of code in presentations is now a part of xaringan out of the box! #rstats @xieyihui https://t.co/62NktEsRmN

Garrick Aden-Buie (@grrrck; 0/0): @malco_barrett I’m not sure but I used the metropolis xaringan theme and fonts for that presentation


Fumiaki Nishihara(西原史暁) (@f_nisihara; 52): “Currently TinyTeX works best for R users.” (今のところ、TinyTeX はR言語利用者にとって最適のものである) - TinyTeX https://t.co/303RSEw2HO

christopherlortie (@cjlortie; 0/1): #rstats #rstats4bio https://t.co/rAoOztY5kN to get the pdf job done!

ICYMI HN (@icymihn; 0/0): TinyTeX: A lightweight and easy-to-maintain LaTeX distribution https://t.co/Zka6hV0EIs comm: https://t.co/kLSW3ICZrm

Josh Sherman (@joshtronic; 0/0): TinyTeX: A lightweight and easy-to-maintain LaTeX distribution - https://t.co/lSMYMyAcoT

Pinboard Popular (@PinPopular; 0/0): TinyTeX - A lightweight, cross-platform, portable, and easy-to-maintain LaTeX distribution based on TeX Live -… https://t.co/buNYUIx7LX

全然起動せんし トキフジ (@tokifujp; 0/0): “TinyTeX - A lightweight, cross-platform, portable, and easy-to-maintain LaTeX distribution based on TeX Live - Yi…” https://t.co/Xt1iALAkzw

気になるニュース (@_newsrss; 0/0): はてな: TinyTeX - A lightweight, cross-platform, portable, and easy-to-maintain LaTeX distribution based on TeX Live - Yihui Xie | 谢益辉 https://t.co/fuEHRV4g0I

はてブ::コンピュータ・IT非公式bot (@RSS_hateb_Roy; 0/0): コンピュータ・IT: TinyTeX - A lightweight, cross-platform, portable, and easy-to-maintain LaTeX distribution based on TeX Live - Yihui Xie | 谢益辉 https://t.co/yczc32ouR3

WEBデザイナー、クリエイターの情報源 (@design_manabu; 0/0): TinyTeX - A lightweight, cross-platform, portable, and easy-to-maintain LaTeX distribution based on TeX Live - Yihui Xie | 谢益辉 https://t.co/Lu9E7oQiZS

ITニュース 八木岡 (@it_tech_news; 0/0): TinyTeX - A lightweight, cross-platform, portable, and easy-to-maintain LaTeX distribution based on TeX Live - Yihui Xie | 谢益辉


webuproar 🤖 (@webuproar; 0/0): 📢 https://t.co/zrYMboFhZV TinyTeX – Yihui Xie | 谢益辉

DashGoPro (@DashGoPro; 0/0): TinyTeX: A lightweight and easy-to-maintain LaTeX distribution by via Hacker News https://t.co/m9lYMr0a6T Brexit; Sign my petition to remain. https://t.co/FlsN6Wo1Ex https://t.co/xeZGzhzlyr

techvu (@jbkavungal; 0/0): TinyTeX: A lightweight and easy-to-maintain LaTeX distribution https://t.co/MDXIhZIFzO #techvu

MichaelHall (@Michaelhall_pro; 0/0): newsycombinator: TinyTeX: A lightweight and easy-to-maintain LaTeX distribution https://t.co/T0zS8seY1l

Hacker News Feed (@hackernewsfeed; 0/0): TinyTeX: A lightweight and easy-to-maintain LaTeX distribution https://t.co/l7TcNyenJD