ICYMI, bookdown w/ interactive JS extensions: 📕 "Introduction to Econometrics w/ R" by Christoph Hanck, Martin Arnold, Alexander Gerber & Martin Schmelzer https://t.co/WQkb3FWJp9 https://t.co/SgP9CYDKkZ #rstats https://t.co/FJqe2lO4CS



Melina Vidoni (@melvidoni; 33): ¡Esperamos que se unan! Aparte de #rmarkdown también presentarán brevemente #blogdown #pkgdown y #bookdown.

¡Súper útil! ¡No se lo pierdan!

#rstats #rstatsES #RLadiesArgentina #RLadies https://t.co/mtiB3P6wPD

Jiena Gu McLellan (@JoannaMelon; 0/0): @xieyihui Everyone in my talk appreciated your packages so you might expect more users for bookdown and blogdown. 😎


Mara Averick (@dataandme; 559): ICYMI, bookdown w/ interactive JS extensions: 📕 “Introduction to Econometrics w/ R” by Christoph Hanck, Martin Arnold, Alexander Gerber & Martin Schmelzer https://t.co/WQkb3FWJp9 https://t.co/SgP9CYDKkZ #rstats https://t.co/FJqe2lO4CS

Melina Vidoni (@melvidoni; 33): ¡Esperamos que se unan! Aparte de #rmarkdown también presentarán brevemente #blogdown #pkgdown y #bookdown.

¡Súper útil! ¡No se lo pierdan!

#rstats #rstatsES #RLadiesArgentina #RLadies https://t.co/mtiB3P6wPD

Sarah McCord (@mccord_se; 20): Iteration in science with R often looks like this: me: I wrote a thing! In #rmarkdown! @NelsonStauffer : Did you use #bookdown? me: no, not relevant. it’s just a stand alone article …which will be a chapter…in my dissertation…so yes, yes I should’ve used #bookdown 🤦🏻‍♀️

reka s (@r_solymosi; 20): @jonshute_crim @Juan_JoseMedina Yes yes! We teach on this and are in process of publishing all the material online, but also loads of resources out there, there’s a book by @robinlovelace and @jakub_nowosad that’s available online: https://t.co/jDAzdcCOSa or just google “GIS in R” there are loads of tutorials!

Jiena Gu McLellan (@JoannaMelon; 0/0): @xieyihui Everyone in my talk appreciated your packages so you might expect more users for bookdown and blogdown. 😎

Jiena Gu McLellan (@JoannaMelon; 0/0): When I presented this slide, one professor asked me that if possible to embed #learnr tutorial within #bookdown to create an interactive tutorial R book… I don’t think it is possible now but this is a great idea!😎 @xieyihui @fly_upside_down @rstudio https://t.co/VoPTQ3Ust6


Elio Campitelli (@d_olivaw; 10): @cantabile knitr::write_bib() is also pretty sweet.


Ken Butler (@KenButler12; 10): new blog post about my first attempt at Xaringan: https://t.co/Mveoy3kdQS #rstats #xaringan