Whaaat ? We can output PowerPoint with #rstats and #rmarkdown ? Indeed, the guide says it... https://t.co/fF7Ec0sXFJ https://t.co/RJtcVxE6DX



Sébastien Rochette (@StatnMap; 378): Whaaat ? We can output PowerPoint with #rstats and #rmarkdown ? Indeed, the guide says it… https://t.co/fF7Ec0sXFJ https://t.co/RJtcVxE6DX

Joshua Rosenberg (@jrosenberg6432; 0/0): @html034 @ebovee09 I think the main benefit of Bookdown is naming/labeling figs and tables correctly (and generating ToC), but could be wrong. GitHub definitely helpful for all the reasons it normally is (and frustrating for all the reasons it normally is, too! :)).

K.M. (@kojimizu1028; 0/0): Bookdown https://t.co/0F5LJ86d9Q https://t.co/WX4g1wpp9X


Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 50): @emjones Haha, sorry about that!! If someone can teach me how to knit, I can probably add something relevant to knitting to knitr.

Philipp Boersch-Supan (@pboesu; 20): @__jsta @serdarbalci knitr::purl ?

Michał Bojanowski (@mbojan; 0/0): Hmm, @appveyor fails to check my #rstats package because it fails to install stringi (bcs of knitr<stringr<stringi). Travis works. Anybody wth same problems?


Malcolm Boorrett 🦁 +👻 (@malco_barrett; 20): A more generalized xaringan output highlighter. Seems to work pretty well so far! https://t.co/jafYL1zbkG