I'm making slide decks for my intro stats course in R Markdown using the xaringan package. Adding more as semester progresses, all shareable. Might be useful for anyone wanting examples of integrating slides and websites in R markdown. Example lectures: https://t.co/FnR7qALSPq



Dmitry Shkolnik (@dshkol; 10): @vinnythiv @oharascience Checkout blogdown and bookdown next for a couple of great applications of rmarkdown in production. My page is in rmarkdown, and I’m seeing more and more textbook and dissertations written in bookdown.

Kim Ky (@KimmyKy2; 0/0): My second post on my #blogdown is up: https://t.co/BszM82rOXN Check it out for an introduction to #rstats data.table package. The material was originally presented at @RLadiesTC meetup.

Ben Gonzalez (@benmachiavelli8; 0/0): @xieyihui Okay, thanks for the reply. I had an eror I referenced on stackoverflow. I definitely see the benefits of blogdown.

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 0/0): @benmachiavelli8 The support on my side was nothing but 40 lines of R code in knitr: https://t.co/ZFIpANLf9S You may send a pull request if there’s anythig else you want. Obviously I’m very much in favor of blogdown now and don’t see significant benefits of WordPress.

Ilja (@fubits; 0/0): @xieyihui FWIW, this (<tr class = “header”> is not really documented within blogdown or knitr docs. Would it make sense to create an issue or even pull request on git for blogdown/knitr? It had quite an impact on my blogdown template, since .header was tailored at <header>…


timelyportfolio (@timelyportfolio; 20): @thomasp85 @Elijah_Meeks Grid much like svg https://t.co/yHtX1HiFKE and https://t.co/599KZuL3G3

Alex Lishinski (@html034; 20): @ebovee09 @jrosenberg6432 You can always render your LaTeX as a pdf, then google pdf to word, and there’s various websites that will do it easily. Of course, if you do it in bookdown like @jrosenberg6432 and I did, you can render as word, plus you mostly won’t have to deal with the LaTeX directly.

Dmitry Shkolnik (@dshkol; 10): @vinnythiv @oharascience Checkout blogdown and bookdown next for a couple of great applications of rmarkdown in production. My page is in rmarkdown, and I’m seeing more and more textbook and dissertations written in bookdown.

Emily Bovee (@ebovee09; 0/0): @jrosenberg6432 @html034 Thanks @html034 @jrosenberg6432 - I will look into it!! Did either of you use Bookdown in combo with GitHub?

Ken Butler (@KenButler12; 0/0): @dataandme @drsimonj @grrrck it turns out that I am unexpectedly getting to grips with bookdown instead. Proto-book here: https://t.co/DFO72m51Fv

Peter Smits (@PeterDSmits; 0/0): the material is heavily (almost verbatim) based on the fantastic “Statistical Rethinking” by @rlmcelreath. my code snippets are heavily cribbed from the @solomonkumarTOI recoding of “Rethinking” (https://t.co/ORTd04ZVke)

i make no claim to your works! i’m but an admirer!

Eduardo Morales (@EduarMMo; 0/0): R Markdown: The Definitive Guide https://t.co/nf5EFlOaLu #datascience #bigdata


Dr. Em Jones (@emjones; 20): I may be the only person in this ‘Intro to R’ workshop that is disappointed to learn the knitr package has little to do with knitting. #growthmindset #jhu

Seth Axen (@sdaxen; 20): So in summary, the workflow is: 1) create a synced notebook/Rmd 2) write and add citations in Rmd 3) do exploratory analysis in notebook 4) use knitr to convert to a variety of formats, including .tex, .pdf, .html, and .docx. Will be happy to write up with examples.

Frank (@fra_loe; 10): @rw_hass Sweave might be an option. You can add the output from R directly to LaTeX, eg via knitr. https://t.co/Ys6e9invxn You can build your Rnw file using LaTeX templates. Worked flawless for my thesis and (one) paper (so far).

Thomas Lin Pedersen (@thomasp85; 10): @KJSint @xieyihui FWIW the animate package (the latex one) supports this with the poster argument, so knitr should be able to add this…

Take Pick_up (@Evgeniy00349558; 0/0): powerful inspiration daily sofia 1st birthday cakes edmonton beach r knitr tutorial those over 65 years shoe zipper repair adults jelly shoes tablets y smartphones k&l refractories risc v ass symptoms https://t.co/aOcfO844Z5 < +360usd/day https://t.co/8Cahx55m1O

Kyaw Sint (@KJSint; 0/0): @thomasp85 @xieyihui maybe knitr? not sure if there is a way to specify which frame of animation is used for static documents.

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 0/0): @benmachiavelli8 The support on my side was nothing but 40 lines of R code in knitr: https://t.co/ZFIpANLf9S You may send a pull request if there’s anythig else you want. Obviously I’m very much in favor of blogdown now and don’t see significant benefits of WordPress.

Ilja (@fubits; 0/0): @xieyihui FWIW, this (<tr class = “header”> is not really documented within blogdown or knitr docs. Would it make sense to create an issue or even pull request on git for blogdown/knitr? It had quite an impact on my blogdown template, since .header was tailored at <header>…


Matt Crump (@MattCrump_; 224): I’m making slide decks for my intro stats course in R Markdown using the xaringan package. Adding more as semester progresses, all shareable. Might be useful for anyone wanting examples of integrating slides and websites in R markdown. Example lectures:


Julia Silge (@juliasilge; 196): I used xaringan to make my slides, and this was my first time to use xaringanthemer as well. The tooling around this workflow is getting sooooooo nice. 😯 https://t.co/D2sNWvDPOI

Malcolm Boorrett 🦁 +👻 (@malco_barrett; 61): Toying with highlighting tibble output in xaringan 🤔 #rstats https://t.co/n1QHWduRoe

William Chase (@W_R_Chase; 20): Also my first time using #xaringan to make slides. I’m not yet a CSS ninja, but getting there. Big shout out to @statsgen for amazing ninjutsu theme!

Sarah Romanes (@sarah_romanes; 20): @SalomoneRob @RLadiesSydney I’m glad you like them! I made them in R using the xaringan package! And the animated icons are from @statsgen ‘s anicon package! ☺️


Kim Cressman (@swmpkim; 20): @timtrice @sckottie Might have been this: https://t.co/K2AIeL6FkX

Doesn’t answer your original question, but interesting all the same.

Kozo Nishida (@kozo2; 0/0): @genya0407 あ,ちなみにその「jupyterのほうが楽だとは思わない」と共通することが含まれるかもしれないのが前のどっかのreplyでも挙げた下記情報です https://t.co/gku2nA9sHi https://t.co/SA34AuWGG9 https://t.co/spgYdLkaS2

Kozo Nishida (@kozo2; 0/0): @genya0407 jupyterconでjupyter notebookが嫌いな理由とr markdownはどうみたいなことまとめくれてるエントリもあるのでもし興味があれば https://t.co/gku2nA9sHi