I just finished my blog post on how to quickly write summary conference tweet blog posts. Example: #ASHG18 👀 https://t.co/ETsynvAGuh I use the #blogdown 📦 #rstats but you can also do this with @GoHugoIO or with the @Twitter app/website by copy-pasting the "Embed a tweet" code https://t.co/rsWDCkY8cB



🇲🇽 Dr. Leonardo Collado-Torres (@fellgernon; 136): I just finished my blog post on how to quickly write summary conference tweet blog posts. Example: #ASHG18

👀 https://t.co/ETsynvAGuh

I use the #blogdown 📦 #rstats but you can also do this with @GoHugoIO or with the @Twitter app/website by copy-pasting the “Embed a tweet” code https://t.co/rsWDCkY8cB

Mark Sellors (@sellorm; 70): The newest blog to be listed on Awesome Blogdown belongs to my old pal @nic_crane https://t.co/7mC3KqSzl3 - https://t.co/AYivPwsGfn

William Chase (@W_R_Chase; 21): ⚠️ATTENTION⚠️ Been slacking on getting your website going? Want to learn cool R stuff? I’m giving a talk at the PSU WeR group on using #blogdown to make a website/blog in R. Mark your calendars: Mon Oct 29, 101 HHD 3-4PM. All are welcome! @PSUScience @BioinformPSU @PSU_Anthro https://t.co/04PuQaJpjc

🇲🇽 Dr. Leonardo Collado-Torres (@fellgernon; 20): Shoutouts to:

  • @apreshill @zabormetrics @xieyihui for their materials to get started with #blogdown 📦
  • @RLadiesBmore @RLadiesNYC @LIBDrstats for places that might take guest blog posts
  • Everyone who tweeted at #ASHG18 (& used the hashtag) which made writing these posts easy

La ilusión de Nina (@lailusiondeNina; 10): NewPost

🎠Più che abbastanza tempo per capire e sperimentare che questo sarà un anno di dormire poco ed imparare molto. https://t.co/S7g0HUOQxA

#Angers #Francia #viaggio #viaggi #viaggiare #blogposts #blogsostenitore #blogs #blogsicilianotizie #blogdown #bloghour #blogcomments https://t.co/8V6wcEJOLs

Recle Etino Vibal (@recleev; 0/1): Third part of the From Messy to Tidy Series is up! The messy Philippine CPI data from @PSAgovph is now tidy and divided into nine data sets (not available in the blog yet but you can try the code for yourself) #blogdown #tidydata #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/UE90FxluPq

Recle Etino Vibal (@recleev; 0/0): Updating date metadata now also updates post filename in #blogdown 😀 https://t.co/wNEQLetKeo #rstats

Mark Sellors (@sellorm; 0/0): Another new blog for Awesome Blogdown - this one from @yoniceedee - https://t.co/52N8GRPes4 - https://t.co/jABf0VyuMG #rstats #blogdown https://t.co/qu2lA2Zb9L


Josh London (@jomilo75; 20): On a roll with another #rstats package out in the wild today. uswebr (https://t.co/Q9ER0Gwbva) is an R package with #bookdown templates based on @18F’s US Web Design Standards. Focus is on scientific content/layout. Shout out to @18F for all their work!

Burak AYDIN, PhD (@Burak4YD1N; 10): @emretoros https://t.co/YZCYqcsxKy emeğinize sağlık.


Dr. Cylcia Bolibaugh (@CBolibaugh; 0/0): @page_gould @ralfer I find advice trolls very helpful🙂. And since you’re here… Is this the sort of thing you mean when you say calling up chunks? https://t.co/dIMUG7zqMo Do you have a heuristic for what length/complexity of script would benefit – or do you do this as general good practice?


Jonny Polonsky (@jonny_polonsky; 31): Another great addition to the xaringan package. Anyone thinking of presenting the results of #rstats analyses in a reproducible and interactive way needs to check out this awesome package from @xieyihui https://t.co/H7HDUCCJzy

Abhijit Dasgupta (@webbedfeet; 0/1): Just became a xaringan fan!! Thanks @xieyihui #rstats


ThinkR (@thinkR_fr; 20): #RStats — Rmd Files will No Longer be Rendered as Markdown on Github https://t.co/JEgvOEZI5t

Yohan J. Rodríguez (@hasdid; 11): #R #AutoTweet | Rmd Files will No Longer be Rendered as Markdown on Github https://t.co/qyVRg59LMy

Clayton Yochum (@claytonyochum; 0/0): @xieyihui I really like your approach to opening external links in new tabs with a little JS (https://t.co/4prPX8PdZr) , but it seems it isn’t working on your site and all links open normally. Did something break in the last month?

Whiskey Raccoon (@peixianw; 0/0): https://t.co/nacrMGCuFp