If you’re new (or new-ish) to #Rstats, The Pirate’s guide to R (@YaRrrBook) is a great resource worth checking out https://t.co/PMhfscL0Xb https://t.co/UbUNynWy5f



Mark Sellors (@sellorm; 63): The newest entry on Awesome #Blogdown is from @veerlevanson - https://t.co/WTR0tpxEHM - https://t.co/QW54iSvRo0 #rstats

Joshua Rosenberg (@jrosenberg6432; 61): Writing a CV in markdown so it can be rendered as HTML, a PDF, and a Word document - a first attempt https://t.co/1SJSEfaeAl #rstats


Dan Quintana (@dsquintana; 308): If you’re new (or new-ish) to #Rstats, The Pirate’s guide to R (@YaRrrBook) is a great resource worth checking out https://t.co/PMhfscL0Xb https://t.co/UbUNynWy5f

Rebecca Lai (@_RLai; 10): @HannahGilman1 @McAleerP I was thinking about bookdown after an earlier comment from @McAleerP… but I can’t work it yet 😂😂

Lorna Campos Matus (@lornacamposm; 0/0): @segasi El libro “R for Data Science” también está en español https://t.co/Gkl0w3kZeU

Otras sugerencias 🙂: R Markdown: The Definitive Guide https://t.co/qTDIpd8jOp

Análisis espacial con R https://t.co/TvqOW6tTMC

Phil McAleer (@McAleerP; 0/0): @HannahGilman1 @_RLai Any time. Would look into creating a bookdown of your assignments. That is my summer plan. Happy to talk you through what we have learnt over the past two years.


Matt Crump (@MattCrump_; 0/0): @xieyihui @peterdesmet Huh, hadn’t noticed until I saw this and went and checked. Also, if you keep the .md when rendering an .Rmd, then github renders the rendered .md file with figures .etc (no knitr stuff), and that can be nice for seeing the rendered doc in github separately from the .rmd source


Alexander Hurley (@aglHurley; 156): Just gave a little seminar talk to our water science group introducing git, GitHub and R/RStudio for project management. Used #xaringan #rstats for the firs time - here are the slides!

https://t.co/BH8oEMhASq https://t.co/FkDUFzGtCf

Emil Hvitfeldt (@Emil_Hvitfeldt; 10): My hard drive gave up, @rstudio cloud saved me! It is truly amazing, now I’m able to finish my xaringan slides 🙌🙌


Peter Desmet (@peterdesmet; 113): 1. Hey! Rmarkdown files are no longer rendered as markdown on GitHub! 😤 2. Google 3. Read https://t.co/lLrrQInIiG 4. Oh! That makes sense. Good call @xieyihui

Example: https://t.co/Dhcocr92cH