@josephting @GoHugoIO @Netlify 💯 agreed. I moved from WordPress on Lunarpages shared hosting to an R markdown/blogdown site generated with @GoHugoIO (hosted in an Azure blob storage static site) and the difference is non-trivial.



Houston Haynes (@whiskersedge; 20): @josephting @GoHugoIO @Netlify 💯 agreed. I moved from WordPress on Lunarpages shared hosting to an R markdown/blogdown site generated with @GoHugoIO (hosted in an Azure blob storage static site) and the difference is non-trivial.


Parsing Science (@ParsingScience; 11): @CANexeter Github or https://t.co/2KZ5AgVyqI would likely be viable, particularly if versioning is used. Should you choose to do so, composing it using markdown in R is worth exploring.



Dr. Shiloh Drake (@snd1101; 0/0): I knew about this workshop because it got forwarded along on an R-learning listserv, where one of their workshops I attended was all about R markdown and knitr and was SUPER FUN, and like. it also takes a special kind of nerd to dedicate a weekend to waking up early to code.