@dataandme Yongfu Liao... The name sounds familiar to me. Just checked it on Github and realized it was this recent contribution (of a new theme) to xaringan: https://t.co/sj6oANiFUd It's amazing that he just learned R for about a year.



roman popat (@rmnppt; 41): If you’re working through @hadleywickham’s advanced #rstats book you can get the solutions here: https://t.co/YhRNatX8ec thanks to @Tazmaaan, @henningsway and colleagues.

Aditi Parekh (@aditipar; 10): “A good way to remember not to use means on Likert scale data is to think: The average of Agree and Strongly Agree is not Agree-And-A-Half.” #LikertorHateit


Shawn Graham (@electricarchaeo; 0/0): so ODATE is using a .bib file with bookdown from which citations are generated when the thing is rendered. But not all appropriate fields are making it into the rendered volume. bibliostyle is set in yml as apalike but I wonder where on earth I edit that…

K.M. (@kojimizu1028; 0/0): https://t.co/guesT9W2m1 といい、本当に無料で情報が溢れててすごすぎる。


Melissa K Sharp (@sharpmelk; 30): #rmarkdown is a wonderful glorious thing. #knitr is amazing. #reproducible research ftw @rstatstweet I love you. #happyfriday everyone #phdlife https://t.co/JdcgnZoQko

Eric Leung (@erictleung; 10): @apreshill @WatanabeSmith @rudeboybert @JennyBryan I also share @WatanabeSmith’s feeling as well. I think the disconnect for me comes from “Especially if you use R Markdown and knitr, which trips up alot of people with its default behavior of ‘working directory = directory where this file lives’.” https://t.co/rduMn1H4b7


Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 101): @dataandme Yongfu Liao… The name sounds familiar to me. Just checked it on Github and realized it was this recent contribution (of a new theme) to xaringan: https://t.co/sj6oANiFUd It’s amazing that he just learned R for about a year.


Ian Durbach (@indurbach; 30): R markdown files are no longer rendered as markdown on Github. I liked this feature but good reasons to change too 🤔 https://t.co/Bnv1EyNNvb

Jonathan Nolis (@skyetetra; 0/0): @marskar I haven’t tried it honestly. I look at Jupyter notebooks and it seems like R Markdown files are a strictly superior experience. I think the file paradigm makes a lot more sense and leads to fewer errors (see https://t.co/thqagc1HwZ)

Rocío Joo (@rocio_joo; 0/0): “Those clever and brave are often trapped by what fascinates them” https://t.co/LIdK0bWNw1