Hey #RStats Twitter, Just a friendly reminder that xaringan:::inf_mr() works on any Rmd, and allows you to **live** preview your RMarkdown in the Viewer. https://t.co/HnKCBXDwHD https://t.co/hAYwRVirx7



Mark Sellors (@sellorm; 12): New on https://t.co/WTR0tpxEHM... It’s the #blogdown blog of @RoelMHogervorst! https://t.co/1PFjeKwavN #rstats


Mara Averick (@dataandme; 264): ICYMI, this recoding of @rlmcelreath’s (already excellent) 📕 is awesome! “Statistical Rethinking with brms, ggplot2, & the tidyverse” by @SolomonKurz https://t.co/NkeOtf8Qxg #rstats

Hoxo_Mass_Spectrum (@siero5335; 31): おっ: “bookdown: Authoring Books and Technical Documents with R Markdown”, https://t.co/VgJnYbIlVE

Robert M Flight (@rmflight; 30): @BrockTibert @beeonaposy Using the python language engine in Rmarkdown https://t.co/Wx4ynbZgKF,

or reticulate


Rachael Lappan (@RachaelLappan; 20): sed ‘/References/,$d’ _book/thesis.tex | grep -E -o ‘\b[[:upper:]]+\b’ | awk ‘length>1’ | sort | uniq

This will give you all upper-case words with at least two characters that come before the references (to avoid author initials) #phdchat #bookdown

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 20): @ibddoctor @StatGarrett @DDWMeeting The only documentation at the moment is the poster template in the package, which you can access from the RStudio New R Markdown wizard: https://t.co/oxuaCRRPLo

Maël Theulière (@TheuliereMael; 11): @InseeFr @EU_Eurostat Merci, une version opensource en bookdown serait super! Sur les compléments, je trouve dommage de ne pas utiliser sf quand c’est possible au lieu de sp. A mentionner en packages (p21) : ggplot2 3.0, qui permet aussi de faire de superbes cartes et tmap en alternative a cartography

Hadley Wickham (@hadleywickham; 10): @henrikbengtsson I think a bookdown book would be better because you can see the results of running the code and everything is linkable


Health Stats Dude (@healthstatsdude; 62): Special thanks to @hadleywickham (we used ggplot, dplyr, and lubridate), @xieyihui (rmarkdown, knitr), and @f2harrell (Hmisc) for making this possible for me to do! Your work is directly helping patients. Thank you.

Jideeeeeh 💕 (@JheideeL; 10): Yung na install ko na yung knitr and rmd package pero bat wala pa din nangyayare? :( deeeeym


Colin Fay 🤘 (@_ColinFay; 15541): Hey #RStats Twitter, Just a friendly reminder that xaringan:::inf_mr() works on any Rmd, and allows you to live preview your RMarkdown in the Viewer. https://t.co/HnKCBXDwHD https://t.co/hAYwRVirx7

Alison Haunted Hill 🧟‍♀️🦇🏚 (@apreshill; 0/0): @dgkeyes Based on feedback, when we did more interactive coding, students loved the learnr package for that (more so than my xaringan slides 😭). For in class labs where they worked independently, I aimed for 3 2010 blocks (they work for 20 min, we talk for 10, rinse + repeat)