


ewen (@ewen_; 11): tidbits on typography, w/ a blogdown tilt ✏️ https://t.co/T4DFq4OTnJ #rstats

David Harper CFA FRM (@bionicturtle; 10): thank you @xieyihui for your book that has saved me hours grappling with blogdown deployment https://t.co/00i6CAKDUV

Joel Nitta (@joel_nitta; 0/0): @WeAreRLadies Why radix over blogdown?

YuqiLiao (@YuqiLiao; 0/0): @W_R_Chase Thank you! Will go through your blogdown slides and hopefully try that out soon ;p


Robert Kubinec (@rmkubinec; 71): So @xieyihui new bookdown Rmarkdown authoring package appears to be a full replacement for academics using Latex. It can handle bibtex/biblatex, Latex-style math, runs way faster than Latex, and can output to PDF, HTML and even e-books. #SocSciResearch https://t.co/c6sZhrCxIk

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 51): me trying to get @travisci to build an #rstats #bookdown + @Netlify to deploy. https://t.co/haVdW7OLgg

David Harper CFA FRM (@bionicturtle; 10): thank you @xieyihui for your book that has saved me hours grappling with blogdown deployment https://t.co/00i6CAKDUV

Health Stats Dude (@healthstatsdude; 0/0): “Do not use averages with Likert scale data” https://t.co/lWt4uHkeOG

Fahad Shery (@fahadshery; 0/0): @topepos getting error when rendering your caret book as epub “Quitting from lines 1732-1752 (_main.Rmd) Error in structure(x, class = unique(c(“AsIs”, oldClass(x)))) : seek failed on /caret/bookdown/_main_cache/epub3/samp_outside_res_08098462181d1619cd07f1c8b7742300.rdb”


Hiroaki Yutani (@yutannihilation; 95): ちなみに黙ってたけど実はknitrもコミット権があります。まったく貢献できてなくて申し訳ない限り。。

Beatriz Milz (@BeaMilz; 41): Is the HTML output for Rmarkdown accessible? #R #rstats #webaccessibility #Rmarkdown #knitR

みどり (@midori2011twit; 0/0): スマホが起動しない。ツイートはタブレットからしてるけど。 さらにここ数日困り切ってるのは、放送大学で受講してる「データの分析と知識発見」でパソコン上で使うR とRstudioなんですが、knitrというパッケージをインストールしたはずなのに使えないのよ。どうしたらいいんだ。