@ma_salmon @krlmlr Any interest in a bookdown-specific vignette? It feels like this info is too hard to discover, and I spent the better part of Wednesday reading random bookdown authors’ .travis.yml files and corresponding commits https://t.co/4859N8mS3E



Laura Ación (@lacion; 20): @WeAreRLadies @lara_hogan I created my webpage using blogdown! 🎉

🌍 Phil (@philmikejones; 10): @WeAreRLadies Thanks, I’d be interested to hear what differences you find. I’ve only ever used blogdown/hugo, but it’s always helpful to know about alternatives for future projects!

Nicolas Roelandt (@RoelandtN42; 0/1): @luis_m_de_sousa @jodygarnett @gitlab I have something similar (gitlab instance + Hugo). You send your md file and pics, it render the site for you.


To be precise it #rstats #blogdown but it is not necessary to use R for static sites if you don’t need to render code.

🌍 Phil (@philmikejones; 0/0): @WeAreRLadies What’s the difference between Radix and Hugo/blogdown?

We are R-Ladies (@WeAreRLadies; 0/0): @philmikejones I don’t have a good answer for this beyond pointing you here: https://t.co/O1UNdWE6v5 Since this question has come up a lot, I’m thinking about switching my blog setup from blogdown to Radix and writing up what I see as pros/cons, similarities/differences. I’ll keep you posted.


Alison Hill (@apreshill; 30): @ma_salmon @krlmlr Any interest in a bookdown-specific vignette? It feels like this info is too hard to discover, and I spent the better part of Wednesday reading random bookdown authors’ .travis.yml files and corresponding commits https://t.co/4859N8mS3E

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 0/0): @ma_salmon @travisci @Netlify I will look- tl;dr all is working but I get two deploys for every github push- the first fails b/c the bookdown files are not built yet in the github repo, the second works b/c Travis built them. Do you guys have this problem?

Nerys Ramírez (@Nerysramirez01; 0/0): R Markdown: The Definitive Guide @Rbloggers @rstudiotips @rstudio https://t.co/wVzVwGBeHS


Matt Johnson 🚩 (@mrjoh3; 21): @jtrnyc a recent update to #knitr or #rmarkdown included a function to automatically look for #webshot. If installed any html content will be converted to png. This means you can render pdf or html without changing your .Rmd file. #rstats to the rescue :) https://t.co/vPUvzniOH0

atusy (@Atsushi776; 0/0): @niszet0 https://t.co/HErKZQzu2P