在试用 Bookdown 生成 PDF 时,发现该作者推荐了一个 LaTeX 发行:TinyTeX。简单来说,TinyTeX 是基于 TeX Live 的瘦身版本,覆盖了大多数常用包,安装下来占用大概 150 MB 空间,比起原 TeX Live 动辄上 GB 的身躯实在要小不少。TinyTeX 支持 Linux、macOS 及 Windows。(https://t.co/dsxdZ9bnF4)



Eric (@eric_bickel; 31): hey #rstats community building sites with #blogdown! looking for recommendations for the best hugo theme to develop a freelance site off of. any and all appreciated!

Niels 📈 (@Niels_Bremen; 0/0): Die #DSGVO werde ich wohl mal zum Anlass nehmen, meinen Blog von Wordpress auf Blogdown umzustellen. Zwar Schade, um die vielen Kommentare und Diskussionen, aber bis ich das ganze getracke unterbunden habe, mache ich lieber den Neustart. #RStats

Nic Crane (@nic_crane; 0/0): @Gummifot You’re welcome! A quick note: I found my CSS was breaking and putting “https” rather than “http” at the front of the URL fixed it - more details on this are in the blogdown book in the HTML section.


Linuxtoy 🐧 (@linuxtoy; 5717): 在试用 Bookdown 生成 PDF 时,发现该作者推荐了一个 LaTeX 发行:TinyTeX。简单来说,TinyTeX 是基于 TeX Live 的瘦身版本,覆盖了大多数常用包,安装下来占用大概 150 MB 空间,比起原 TeX Live 动辄上 GB 的身躯实在要小不少。TinyTeX 支持 Linux、macOS 及 Windows。(https://t.co/dsxdZ9bnF4)

Sam Clifford (@samclifford; 30): @KerrieMengersen @SherlockpHolmes I teach a course that covers maths and stats and it’s impossible to find a textbook. My teaching team would love to put together an open online text (bookdown and a PDF version) that covers modern modelling approaches, scientific method and visual and tabular presentation of data

中西大輔 (@daihiko; 0/0): この前期はMoodleマニュアルの更新作業をbookdownでやってみる、というのを目標にしようかな。

中西大輔 (@daihiko; 0/0): rmdのbookdownをgitでシェアして作業すればよいのではないか。

Atsushi (@Atsushi776; 0/0): bookdown、いつの間にかnew_session: trueが既定値になってる? もともとだっけ?


TimSalabim (@TimSalabim3; 132): This is really great for an #rstats knitr::spin based code documentation workflow! ICYDK, knitr::spin lets you turn your .R script files into html documents without the need for {r chunk_name} <code> rmd chunks… Hence, code == documentation! https://t.co/AwJLxy2HS1

Lorenzo Busetto (@lbusetto74; 10): @TimSalabim3 @timelyportfolio @rstudio Should now work also within plain “.R” files (which should suffice for usage with knitr::spin, right? ) Plus, I added the possibility to customize the name of the “generated” table within the GUI.

Joshua Goldberg (@GoldbergData; 10): Will you be updating Dynamic Documents with R and knitr, Second Edition (Chapman & Hall/CRC The R Series) published in 2015 any time soon? @xieyihui. Or is the information still timeline in your opinion?

Joshua Goldberg (@GoldbergData; 0/0): @xieyihui Thanks for the reply. So in the mean time is second edition Dynamic Documents worth a read for someone that was to get a more intimate understanding of knitr and producing “dynamic documents?”


akogare (@s4mdalia; 0/0): @letwearsprada xaringan.


Linuxtoy 🐧 (@linuxtoy; 5717): 在试用 Bookdown 生成 PDF 时,发现该作者推荐了一个 LaTeX 发行:TinyTeX。简单来说,TinyTeX 是基于 TeX Live 的瘦身版本,覆盖了大多数常用包,安装下来占用大概 150 MB 空间,比起原 TeX Live 动辄上 GB 的身躯实在要小不少。TinyTeX 支持 Linux、macOS 及 Windows。(https://t.co/dsxdZ9bnF4)