Finally updated my website ( using #blogdown and #netlify. Hoping to add more content (e.g. blog, teaching materials) eventually! #rstats



Alison Gemmill (@alisongemmill; 130): Finally updated my website ( using #blogdown and #netlify. Hoping to add more content (e.g. blog, teaching materials) eventually! #rstats

Ilja (@fubits; 0/1): #Rstats #followerpower: is there any straightforward way for knitr::kable(„html“) to change the CSS <tr> class in <thead><tr class=„header“>…</thead>?

kableExtra::kable_styling() doesn‘t seem to be the way for this. #knitr #kable #blogdown

Ilja (@fubits; 0/0): Ok, #rstats, current observation: knitr::kable() introduces the „header“ class for thead>tr knitr:kable(“html“) casts a class-less thead>tr Good to know, if your #blogdown template has a .header class for <header>


Hiroaki Yutani (@yutannihilation; 82): Practical R Package Development (Japanese) Cで関数を実装するときとALTREPをC++で使うときについてのメモを追加(たぶんこういうニッチな情報ばかりが増えていきます)

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 50): @JoannaMelon @fly_upside_down @rstudio bookdown does two things: 1) multi-page documents; 2) extra Markdown features. learnr already does the former. The latter could be introduced to learnr, too.

○○() (@ksomemo; 0/0): “R Markdown: The Definitive Guide”

lopierra (@lopierra; 0/0): Just discovered parameterized reports! ..after painstakingly putting together 7 similar but slightly different reports. Adding to long list of Things to Remember for Next Time. #rstats

Achmad Syahrul Choir (@madsyair; 0/0): Statistical Rethinking with brms, ggplot2, and the tidyverse


Elio Campitelli (@d_olivaw; 10): @CDWren knitr::write_bib() saves the file programmatically

Ilja (@fubits; 0/1): #Rstats #followerpower: is there any straightforward way for knitr::kable(„html“) to change the CSS <tr> class in <thead><tr class=„header“>…</thead>?

kableExtra::kable_styling() doesn‘t seem to be the way for this. #knitr #kable #blogdown

Ilja (@fubits; 0/0): Ok, #rstats, current observation: knitr::kable() introduces the „header“ class for thead>tr knitr:kable(“html“) casts a class-less thead>tr Good to know, if your #blogdown template has a .header class for <header>

かめ (@anoncow1; 0/0): そういや、knitr がうまく走らんですよ。 ググると「pandoc のバージョンが」ってのをチョイチョイ見る。 とりあえずほっとくか。そのうち直(してくれ)るやろ


Danton Noriega (@dantonnoriega; 10): @malco_barrett @laeRusers Love the theme and style. Do you have a xaringan css file for this (I think it’s xaringan)?

PA Chevalier (@pa_chevalier; 0/0): @joelgombin @xieyihui Je comprends pas la hype xaringan

Joel Gombin (@joelgombin; 0/0): @pa_chevalier @xieyihui bof, peu de chance que j’abandonne xaringan pour revenir à ça

Joel Gombin (@joelgombin; 0/0): #xaringan you know that annoying bug when the title at a a beginning of a slide is not recognised as such? Can’t find a fix for it. Any idea? #rstats cc @xieyihui