I just taught a conference workshop for R newbies, and I wanted to send them home with an online booklet (https://t.co/kadYTvrazx) to try out. @xieyihui's wonderful bookdown to the rescue! The sugar on top? @eddelbuettel 's `binb` package for the slides (https://t.co/RPldiCwbo5).



Malcolm Barrett 🦁🐻 (@malco_barrett; 16827): Just added to my Rprofile: a function that takes R Markdown HTML slides, moves them to the static folder of my blogdown site, and pushes it to the web. Gist: https://t.co/oCiqMZumnt > I can’t tell you how many times the fs and git2r #rstats packages have made my life easier!

Chi Zhang (Andrea) (@Andreasheenn; 287): Yesterday I gave my first talk (ever) at my local R Meetup on #blogdown, it was fun 😄 I have a companion blogpost (like everybody) on https://t.co/3rkx6CR1ek. Glad to join the community! Thanks @xieyihui @apreshill for making it easy 😇 #rstats #rladies @RLadiesOslo https://t.co/WCDFsSiN3j

Steen Harsted (@SteenHarsted; 220): @KBoogie @thomasp85 Stay tuned - I will write a blog and share some code :-) (as soon as I learn blogdown or something similar).

Alex Albright (@AllbriteAllday; 182): Was a guest speaker today in the Harvard undergrad “Gov 1005: Data” class! Demo’d how I use #rstats notebooks/Github/RPubs/#blogdown to make my content reproducible & accessible. 👩‍💻 Thanks to XKCD for providing me (a self-taught useR) with the perfect content for my last slide. https://t.co/F79EOjxO08

Sally Grace (@sallyagrace; 92): Shoutout to Twitter lord @dsquintana for making this thread on how to build your own academic website in #rstats blogdown so easy to follow! 🙌 > You can find mine at https://t.co/B1NglThTxv https://t.co/YOG5yl8DXY

𝙸𝚕𝚓𝚊 #saveYourInternet (@fubits; 53): TIL that even if even you just use #blogdown only, the #bookdown book is a must-read nonetheless - i.e. because of ⁦@xieyihui⁩’s intro to essential YAML basics. I’m afraid that this probably is also true for the RMarkdown book… 😬 #rstats https://t.co/HB2QAuPjum

Edward Anton Rubin (@edrubin; 31): @JoshuaSGoodman You can also build with R Markdown (https://t.co/GmCWQYm5e3) and Github pages for a totally free website (example: https://t.co/43xrcmhKH8). > Blogdown (https://t.co/4VLVmSvAFG) is super fast (and also free).

AlfredoSanchez-Tojar (@ASanchez_Tojar; 30): Half way (20h) through my trip to #ESHCanberra2019 & I managed to put together an academic website using blogdown. Hoping to launch it very soon. Stay tuned!

AlfredoSanchez-Tojar (@ASanchez_Tojar; 30): @kirstyjean A potential alternative could be using blogdown. Below there is an excellent tutorial to create an academic website using blogdown: https://t.co/ybWR6sllio

🇲🇽 Dr. Leonardo Collado-Torres (@fellgernon; 30): I can make hugo/#blogdown websites, but I think that it might be best to get a designer to update my mom’s https://t.co/hC65W2BSDK for 2019 PC/mobile browsing & adding web shopping utilities. > Do your recommend someone? Or do you have an hugo theme +some web shop plugins in mind? https://t.co/wrTocHh9XK

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 30): @cantabile @rensa_co @apreshill Oh, thanks Twitter for the disorganized conversations… I just saw this one. Maybe Stack Overflow next time? > I don’t like YAML or TOML (fn 23: https://t.co/26O5kGHzQn), but I don’t know a better alternative, either. The world of config languages is a total mess.

jsonpott (@jsonpott; 21): @TheDataAnts @rstats4ds @rstats @sirajraval Rmarkdown and blog down? You can then host using nettify and github/bucket > https://t.co/wF5KQp9Lec

Aditya Mangal (@AdityaMangal410; 21): Moved over blog from using #pelican on #github pages to #blogdown on @Netlify. Took less than an hour, super impressed with both of these tools! 😎👏🏻 #rstats Check it out here - https://t.co/D9lRHoBXYm

jormtz (@mtzzmtzz; 20): creo que no entiendo muy bien lo que hice, pero siguiendo varios tutoriales por fin pude montar un sitio de prueba en GitHub Pages con blogdown y Hugo

Ilya Kashnitsky (@ikashnitsky; 20): @SteenHarsted @umairdurrani87 @_seantma @thomasp85 Another option is to ask for setup help at https://t.co/e5c4qd7oxR. The community is amazing at promoting easy #blogdown. https://t.co/pFs6Cmhdwb https://t.co/YHdvnt3vfB

JEMSU (@Jemus42; 12): Is it just me or is a decent content security policy (CSP) header really painful to figure out for #shiny, #RMarkdown and #blogdown projects if you haven’t basically DIY’d the whole project from the ground up for safety? #rstats

La ilusión de Nina (@lailusiondeNina; 11): New Post! > 🍍 Fruit of exotic aroma and refreshing flavor. Between sweet and acid. Between freshness and passion. https://t.co/T2m8mh1SqV > #ukbloggers #tropical #blogposts #blogpost #dress #DressAGraduate #dressing #Blogs #blogdown #bloghour #bloghop #BlogLikeABoss #BlogLCU #Tbt https://t.co/ZHjehrrRkK

La ilusión de Nina (@lailusiondeNina; 10): 📷“La fotografía como cualquier otro lenguaje, permite siempre ser pensada de nuevo.”- Terré > #fotografia #FOTOS #blog #blogquirky #blogetan #BlogTour #BLOGOS #blogoftheday #BlogosphereChat #blogpost #BlogPzP #blogposts #Blogs #blogdown #BlogLCU #blogchat #blogset #blogsofa #Tbt https://t.co/fhO72NU3LJ

AlfredoSanchez-Tojar (@ASanchez_Tojar; 10): Off I go, hopefully I manage to: - Revise comments on the #preregistration I recently drafted. - Read @StatModeling’s blog: “Retire statistical significance: the discussion”. - Finish my personal website using blogdown. Let’s see… #optimism #optimistic

Charles T. Gray (@cantabile; 10): Sidenote, this project is also to school myself in blogdown::, just in case I run into formatting hell with distill:: for thesis. I haven’t figured out how to customise yet, but I’m impressed with the defaults 🥐

Dorris A. Scott (@Dorris_Scott; 10): This might be useful for those who use blogdown. How to add Google Analytics on your Hugo site: https://t.co/N3mLmQdfi1. Some themes already have the Google Analytics set up, so all you need to do is set up your Google Analytics site and get a tracking ID!

Pachá 帕夏 (@pachamaltese; 10): @DataKimist Python: my blog was made with Python before moving to blogdown. R: APIs, SQL connections, automated reports, linear models

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 10): @frizzyroselle I don’t, sorry. I use blogdown to write blog posts with R Markdown: https://t.co/e6Xj4bXVDl

meu nome nao e charles (@comsemassim; 0/0): On page 134 of 188 of blogdown, by Yihui Xie https://t.co/OW7YxrQAmP

meu nome nao e charles (@comsemassim; 0/0): On page 134 of 188 of blogdown, by Yihui Xie https://t.co/o56jgVL0aG

Glyn Mottershead (@glynmottershead; 0/0): of course that should have been blogdown #damnyouautocorrect

Professional Griefer (@Ctrl_Shft_Del; 0/0): Hello @sellorm, I’d like to add my blog to the https://t.co/WyveozZCr9 curated list, I need some assistance. Kindly follow back for DM.


Brooke Anderson (@gbwanderson; 25761): I just taught a conference workshop for R newbies, and I wanted to send them home with an online booklet (https://t.co/kadYTvrazx) to try out. @xieyihui’s wonderful bookdown to the rescue! The sugar on top? @eddelbuettel ’s binb package for the slides (https://t.co/RPldiCwbo5).

Florian Privé (@privefl; 23373): Finished teaching my advanced #rstats course for PhD students for the 2nd year 💪 > Contents: - good practices and rprog - #tidyverse - performance ⚡️ - packages 📦 - #shiny > Materials always available as an online #bookdown: https://t.co/Ph0yNo6X93

Solomon Kurz (@SolomonKurz; 726): Heads up: I’m very close to releasing the update of my recoding Statistical Rethinking #bookdown project. > Many of you have helped me correct typos and clean up my code. Thank you! > If anyone has further suggestions on how to improve the text, now’s the time.

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 202): @yoniceedee @apreshill @ijlyttle @cantabile @RoelandtN42 @rensa_co @JenRichmondPhD @WeAreRLadies I’m surprised that you still haven’t got an answer, with the help of so many experts in my eyes. I’m never a fan of YAML, but… I’m afraid you have to learn YAML anyway. Answer: > params: trials: 10 k: [3, 7, 10, 20] > Here is my 1-min YAML intro: https://t.co/omr1vdXGtR

Pablo Casas (@pabloc_ds; 105): Data Science Live Book 📗 [ed. Jan 2019]
Paperback available at:
> B/W: https://t.co/B0xNL4JnRt Color: https://t.co/w5gH9G2cRc > Awarded by the ‘1st Bookdown Contest’ (@rstudio 🚀 ) #MachineLearning #Rstats #datascience https://t.co/pagvZX78IM

Ulrik Lyngs (@ulyngs; 103): #oxforddown v1.0 is out! Write your @UniofOxford #phd thesis in #rmarkdown and output to PDF, gitbook, and Word - now includes video tutorials! https://t.co/VWw3OwL8V3 > Thanks @xieyihui for #bookdown @old_man_chester for #thesisdown and @McManigleMD’s for #OxThesis @rusersoxford

Martin Montane (@martinmontane; 60): @iamuncleken @JorgelinaM_ https://t.co/RYQs1OrkiI quién pide un paquete en R recibirá un libro sobre el tema en R

Statisticians and Data Scientists (@statsanddatasci; 52): 📚#AdvancedR, Secong Edition - Hadley Wickham👇 #BOOKDOWN: https://t.co/3lWQWYmgz0 #RStats #RStudio #Statistical #DataAnalysis #DataScience https://t.co/adyNd9xnd5

Peter Hickey (@PeteHaitch; 40): @davisjmcc @Bioconductor @lievenClement We’ll see! I’ve likely a scRNA-seq workshop to give in Melbourne around that time, too, so it’ll be a busy time. Regardless, all the course materials will be available using bookdown like last year https://t.co/W55KWltKdY

Emma Rand (@er13_r; 40): @Neooology @DataCamp 💻 Tutorials on DataCamp https://t.co/rj5TrWjPO7 💻 follow @Rbloggers 💻 google R tutorials! 💻 N. D. Phillips’ YaRrr! The Pirate’s Guide to R https://t.co/qUBB4O2Pdc 💻 W. Chang Cook book for R https://t.co/tFU8GcAXLC 💻 for UG biologists https://t.co/DxhxWqbU0j

Riinu Ots (@RiinuOts; 31): @ewenharrison @ProfG_Edinsurg @ProfW_edinsurg @NIHR_GSU @ksoreide @BecomingDataSci @DataLabScotland @EdinUniUsher @GlobalHealthEdi @drob @juliasilge and @drob what was it like co-authoring a book using #bookdown and GitHub? We’re well into branches and merge conflicts already 😅😬🤷‍♀️ 🍃❌🌿❌🌱 Did either of you ever write up/come across good notes on this in addition to https://t.co/CzTN6Yz9Jj… 👏👌

Colin Fay 🤘 (@_ColinFay; 30): @BrodieGaslam @thosjleeper Did I had forgotten that I started to work on that a while back? Yes. I have a POC for that somewhere on my laptop, converting package doc into a bookdown, and converting manuals from you local R installation into bookdown.

Nahuel Bargas (@Nahuel_Sef; 20): @martinmontane @Diego_Koz @Nicolas_Ajz @constant_hevia @emiliano_libman El paquete rticles simplifica un poco la estandarización del R-markdown para los requerimentos de diversos journals. La explicación se encuentra en el capítulo 13 del libro: https://t.co/SR57ON0GcT

mixOmics (@mixOmics_team; 11): @ContinentalIv That is correct, you can find us in bioconductor with a new tutorial vignette! https://t.co/nRgI1rpnN2 #rstats #bookdown

Monica (@monipip3; 10): Writing my first research paper using this resource https://t.co/QhC6cBvOOy . As a grad student using R, I am so thankful for the bountiful/well thought out/well laid out resources in the #R community. #researchpaper #gradstudent #rladies

Solomon Kurz (@SolomonKurz; 10): @ColinTQuirk Thanks! > That’s a good question. I haven’t attempted using #bookdown for PDFs. I’ll look into it.

Paul Teas (@Paul_Teas; 10): @JeffSkals I learned to code with R and this site really helped me - https://t.co/oRYdqmdnW6

Sep Dadsetan (@phdjsep; 10): @AllenDowney Still a WIP but I’ve managed to publish it as a github page for now: https://t.co/K7s5JG0ApM

rexarski (@rexarski; 0/0): 其实bookdown的showcase页面也是一个很好的R语言入门学习资源页。https://t.co/sdXPK5ustG

Peter Dahlgren (@peterdalle; 0/0): @staffanbetner https://t.co/5SpJSJfhaO

jonathan rosenblatt (@johnros2013; 0/0): @xieyihui Using and loving bookdown. How do you recommend to deal with URLs? Using link is a problem when in the print version, and using the full URL inline hurts readability. Maybe have a separate bibliography for URLs?


Jenny Bryan (@JennyBryan; 321): @WeAreRLadies I think you’d be interested in @xieyihui ’s article on Code Externalization https://t.co/BxRiOWHPib

Nat Price (@DayduhScientist; 305): Excited about my new CV workflow to uncouple data storage from design. Put my education, experience, etc. in CSV files and publications in BibTex. knitr + vitae + dplyr + LaTeX to create PDF. #rstats @rOpenSci https://t.co/I7kH5UlcNS

tj mahr 🍕🍍 (@tjmahr; 130): @theaknowles @PhDemetri I would bite the bullet and use two different chunks and toggle which shows with knitr::is_latex_output()

Nancy Huynh (@nh_writes; 122): Trying out a few new tricks (knitr::kable() so handy!) I’ve seen around from other #TidyTuesday posts. Here’s the most popular first letter of pet names in 2018 Seattle: M, S, B, C, and L // see next tweet for code walk-thru #rstats https://t.co/29I3Lgv2dp

Darren L Dahly (@statsepi; 91): @jd_wilko I bop this into mine, which is usually what I want for a “clean” doc. > knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE, message = FALSE, warning = FALSE, fig.width = 6 * 1.67, fig.height = 6)

John Muschelli (@StrictlyStat; 72): Oh God purl = FALSE, where have you been all my life #knitr #rstats @xieyihui https://t.co/ak4w2kSJee

boB 🇷udis (@hrbrmstr; 61): knitr::knit_expand() is the 🐝 knees #rstats

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 50): @LisaDeBruine Or knitr::inline_expr(‘3+4’). Also see https://t.co/dxnOpExYNc

Will Hulme (@wjchulme; 21): @epi_afro @jd_wilko get this bookmarked :) https://t.co/qiidXeFbwR

Scott Stoltzman (@stoltzmaniac; 10): @felipe_mattioni @xieyihui @apreshill Thinking something like this could be better: https://t.co/jEG9sL48z5

Eric Leung (@erictleung; 10): @AmyDWillis It appears you can access the YAML header metadata through rmarkdown::metadata list https://t.co/CEcs5MBBtJ. Hope that guides you in the right direction!

Nic Fox (@nicfox; 0/0): @enoches @hadleywickham Ah OK! Thanks. Well, I get an error whether its loaded or not. Initially I had the following loaded: tidyverse, operators, dplyr, ggplot2, knitr. Then added plyr and got a different error. Then tried loading plyr and dplyr in the opposite order and still get the error :(


Danielle Navarro (@djnavarro; 70): @cantabile I have discovered that the tinytex 📦has handy tools for analysing the .log files, which solved my problems for me. That is, after I wasted half an hour trying to install MiKTeX for no good reason

Adam Gruer (@AdamGruer; 20): @djnavarro So glad whe I recently found out about tinytex

STAT_NT UDELAR-IESTA (@STAT_NT; 20): Si no tienen LaTeX instalado aún, usen #TinyTeX para compilar #Rmarkdown a pdf Es muy sencillo usando el paquete #tinytex para instalar #TinyTeX (https://t.co/2cYqelxKuN) > install.packages(“tinytex”) tinytex::install_tinytex()

Danielle Navarro (@djnavarro; 10): @AdamGruer Seriously. TinyTeX is the best!


Towards Data Science (@TDataScience; 53): The Ultimate Infinite Moon Reader for xaringan Slides: Instant preview without fully rebuilding HTML, and the linked navigation. https://t.co/0LQYhHVbT1 🖊by @xieyihui #rstats #TDSPick 🌖

Charles Lanfear (@cclanfear; 40): Useful script for today: When my Xaringan slides for my R course knit, they’ll have an option to automatically pop up a headless Chrome instance to print them to PDF immediately. Basic code: > chrome –headless –print-to-pdf=“output_path” “input_path”

Yohan J. Rodríguez (@hasdid; 11): #R #Automated | Image-grid with Ninjutsu CSS theme in Xaringan https://t.co/BQA8SLgzaN

Prof Gaëlle 🇪🇺 (@ProfGaelle; 10): I’m sure everyone in my Twitter echo chamber knows about Presentation Ninja, but still, let me say 🤩🤩🤩 https://t.co/Om9pPw2J7r

marquetti (@lucaasmarquetti; 0/0): Lucas: família Vó: Cocozinho Demais pessoas: marquetti, baguete, espaguete, boquete, raquete, patinete, relâmpago marquetti e xaringan Kkkkkkk https://t.co/KQVCPqI2xS


Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 80): @joelgombin No, but xfun::embed_file() does: https://t.co/XHdxZ7tICZ

Michael Steeves (@steevmi1; 10): @0x0ddc0ffee May or may not work for you, but check out TinyTeX. > https://t.co/BWjyt0wZNn